Meet the Malletts Bay Boat Club
This guide
has been prepared to introduce you to various aspects and activities of the Malletts
Bay Boat Club. We hope it will inform you about the club and encourage
your interest in joining in the activities and operations of the club.
The club has been in continuous operation since 1936 as a voluntary
participatory club, meaning that the members manage and perform all the
work involved with keeping a club such as ours going. In addition, the
members share a common interest in sailing and boating on Lake Champlain which
various club activities encourage. Membership is open to sailboaters through an
application process.
The Clubhouse

The clubhouse is available for the members to use and enjoy. It is the responsibility
of the membership to help maintain the clubhouse and the surrounding grounds. There are
bathrooms and showers on the ground floor, as well as a number of lockers which are
available to rent for a nominal fee, by club members. The upstairs o the club houses an
attractive lounge and is the site of the majority of our social events. There is a small
kitchen and a video center for viewing sailing related videos. There is also a library
stocked with sailing books. In addition all of the club sailing trophies are displayed in
the trophy case on the main floor of the clubhouse. At the west end of the clubhouse is an
apartment which houses tenants who help provide
secure for the club. |
The club has a very active social calendar beginning in the winter and continuing in
May with the traditional Get Acquainted Party to introduce new members to the rest of the
club. There are numerous summer weekend and evening cookouts and parties at the club which
often follow races. These are listed in a calendar printed in the club log.
The social
season ends in the fall with a season ending banquet.
The club runs a very active race schedule with a Thursday night race series for
cruising boats, a Tuesday night Laser series, multiple weekend races for
one design and
cruising boats and a fall series of races. In addition, the club is one of three members
of the Lake Champlain Racing Conference and hosts several conference races during the
summer which are also open to club members. Any member of the racing committee would be
happy to answer any questions prospective members have about club racing and our racing
program. Crewing spots on racing boats are always available to club members who would like
to get a taste of racing without involving their own boats. A bulletin board in the lower
level of the club is available to advertise your interest in crewing. Non-members are also
encouraged to participate in all club races.
Because the club is voluntary
operation, we accomplish the work through a number of committees. The first and most
important committee is the Afterguard which is the governing body of the club and is
elected at the annual meeting in October by the membership. The Afterguard helps to run
the club's operations and chair the various committees, which include: cruise,
entertainment, finance, grounds, harbor, junior sailing, launch, long range planning,
membership operations, and race committee. Every club member is expected to serve on at
least one committee.
Junior Sail
The club has an active sailing instruction program throughout the summer months for
children of members and non-members. The program traditionally has been for youths from
the ages of 8 to 16 and classes vary from beginners to advanced racing. The Junior Sailing
Program owns a fleet of Flying Juniors/Optmists and expert instruction is available from sailing
instructors. The junior racers compete both on the Lake and also in the waters of
neighboring states. There is an additional fee for this program. |
The club traditionally offers cruises throughout the summer to various spots on the
lake. There are
many weekend cruises during the summer which provide a great
opportunity for club members to explore various parts of the Lake and raft up for a social
gathering on the evening of the cruise. |
The club
operates and maintains a mooring field for the member's boats. Each member
is entitled to one mooring. The Harbor Committee is available to assist
the new club members in complying with the requirements of the mooring
system and will determine mooring assignments best suited to the member's