2025 Calendar Provisional
Edit Calendar
Event | Date(s) time and day | Coordinator |
Annual Race Committee Meeting | 1/3/2024 - 1/3/2024 1800 - Wed | Mike Quaid |
MBBC Race Committee Meeting
Wednesday, January 4 at McGillicuddy's Bar and Grill, at Severance Corners, in Colchester. I have reserved the conference room, which is located on the right side when you walk in from the rear parking lot.
For anybody who wants to be social and see old friends after a few cold months of winter, let's meet at 6:00 PM and order dinner there. Official meeting start will be 6:30 so that anybody who has other commitments can arrive then. Please RSVP and let me know who is coming and when. I will send a reminder out before the 4th.
Tentative Agenda:
1. Make sure NOR and SI's are up to date for all regattas
2. Coordinate dates with LCYC
3. Vote on who sails for Chiott Cup this year
4. Thoughts on increasing turnout for weekend races
5. Future of Awards Banquet
6. Thistle Nationals June 24 weekend
7. Status of Volunteer
8. Junior Sailing Races
9. Corinthian J24
10. Other Business
January 2023 Afterguard Meeting | 1/8/2024 - 1/8/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. This meeting will be held on ZOOM. Contact Master Jon Brooks for link.
February 2023 Afterguard Meeting | 2/12/2024 - 2/12/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. This meeting will be held on ZOOM. Contact Master Jon Brooks for link.
March 2023 Afterguard Meeting | 3/11/2024 - 3/11/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. This meeting will be held on ZOOM.
Join Zoom Meeting
April 2023 Afterguard Meeting | 4/8/2024 - 4/8/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. This meeting will be held on ZOOM.
Catherine Condon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Grounds Pre-Opening work day | 4/20/2024 - 4/20/2024 1000 - Sat | Mark Baglini |
Grounds committee is getting any early start to the season come help give a hand clearing away debris.
May 2023 Afterguard Meeting - McGillicuddy's and NOT ON ZOOM | 5/6/2024 - 5/6/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. This meeting will be held at McGillicudy's located at 18 Severance Green, Colchester VT. Will will not be using ZOOM.
Club Opening | 5/11/2024 - 5/11/2024 0900 - Sat | Jon Brooks |
Annual Club opening... bring your work gloves
Laser Series 1 | 5/14/2024 - 5/14/2024 1800 - Tues | Bill Rogers |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Trottier - Private Event | 5/17/2024 - 5/17/2024 17:00 - Fri | Julie Trottier |
Private Event
Get Acquainted-Welcome Back Social | 5/19/2024 - 5/19/2024 1830 - Sat | Kimberly Pratt |
More information on the new website:
New Website
PBI1 | 5/19/2024 - 5/19/2024 1000 - Sun | Al Russell |
Power Boat Instruction Level 1 (PBI 1).. This clinic is required for all operators of Club owned power boats. We focus on safety, procedures, maintenence, and the applicable State and Federal Laws Level one only covers the club whalers and the punt. Other boats have other requirements.
Laser Series 2 | 5/21/2024 - 5/21/2024 1800 - Tues | Julie Trottier |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek Practice Race | 5/23/2024 - 5/23/2024 1810 - Thurs | David Klebanoff |
Informal racing and provides the beginning racer or the owner of a non-class boat the
opportunity to participate.
Coffee Pot Race | 5/25/2024 - 5/25/2024 1000 - Sat | Al Russell |
Warning Signal: 1000
Event: The traditional season opener. Be prepared for possible cold conditions. The Coffee Pot is a random leg distance race starting in the Inner Malletts Bay, around Stave Island and finishing at the start.
Eligibility: Open to all member and non-member monohull keel boats with a Lake Champlain PHRF handicap.
Registration: At the Signal Boat.
Venue: Inner Malletts Bay, north of Coats Island.
Course: Random leg distance race (see Sailing Instructions).
Awards: The Coffee Pot Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the Spinnaker Class at the MBBC Annual Banquet.
Sailing Instructions: Link on the MBBC-VT.org race calendar.
Sailing Instructions
Laser Series 3 | 5/28/2024 - 5/28/2024 1800 - Tues | David Klebanoff |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
S Pratt - Private Event | 5/29/2024 - 5/29/2024 12:00 - Wed | Samuel Pratt |
Midweek 1 | 5/30/2024 - 5/30/2024 1810 - Thurs | Alan Ouellette |
Munson/Essex Art League - Private Event | 5/30/2024 - 5/30/2024 9:00-3:00 - Thurs | Michael Munson |
Essex Art League through Mary Jane. Clear need to be out of club by 3pm for Thursday Evening Racing.
Spring Lightning Regatta | 6/1/2024 - 6/2/2024 1000 - Sat-Sun | Mark Gardner |
Chuck Padula is PRO
Two day regatta.
LCYC Double Hander | 6/1/2024 - 6/1/2024 1030 - Sat | Mike Quaid |
The Double Handed is a standalone race and not part of any series.
For the LCYC Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions, Courses, and on-line Race Registration see http://lcyc.info/racing. To be scored you must register and have a current PHRF rating.
Season Opener Women's Sailing | 6/3/2024 - 6/3/2024 1800 - Mon. | Kristen Johanson |
MBBC Women's Sailing Program will start the season with our weekly evening sail. No sailing experience (or boat) is necessary. We will match you up with experienced women sailors. Bring a snack and beverage to share (optional). Topic this week will be Proper Cleat Hitches.
Laser Series 4 | 6/4/2024 - 6/4/2024 1800 - Tues | Bretton Gardner |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek 2 | 6/6/2024 - 6/6/2024 1810 - Thurs | Bill Rogers |
Gawor - Private Event | 6/7/2024 - 6/7/2024 17:00-22:00 - | Kim Fiske Gawor |
~20 people
Royal Savage Regatta | 6/8/2024 - 6/8/2024 1030 - Sat | Allen Baker |
Warning Signal: 1030
Event: A two-race event held on Outer Malletts Bay. First race of the Lake Champlain Championship Series.
The Royal Savage Trophy is one of the most historically significant trophies awarded to sailors on Lake Champlain. The trophy consists of a glass encased relic from the Sloop Royal Savage, the first American Vessel to engage the enemy at the Battle of Valcour on October 11, 1776.
Eligibility: Open to all member and non-member monohull keel boats with a Lake Champlain PHRF handicap.
Class A: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 92 and lower
Class B: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 93 - 126
Class C: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 127 and higher
Class JAM A: Non-spinnaker PHRF Handicap 158 and lower
Class JAM B: Non-spinnaker PHRF Handicap 159 and higher
Registration: At the Signal Boat.
Venue: Outer Malletts Bay.
Course: Windward/Leeward.
Awards: A PHRF class must have two or more boats to qualify.
For 2023, the Royal Savage Trophy will be awarded to the boat finishing first for the combined total overall in Class C. The Ted Brooks Trophy will be awarded to the boat finishing first for the combined total overall in Classes A and B. Trophies will be awarded at the MBBC Annual Banquet.
Sailing Instructions
Women's Sailing | 6/10/2024 - 6/10/2024 1800 - Mon. | Marilynne Johnson |
Weekly women's sailing. No sailing experience (or boat) is necessary. We will match you up with experienced women sailors. Bring a snack and beverage to share (optional).
June 2023 AfterGuard Meeting | 6/10/2024 - 6/10/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. This meeting will be held at the Clubhouse.
Laser Series 5 | 6/11/2024 - 6/11/2024 - Tues | Patrick Zachary |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek 3 (BBQ) All Fleets clean-up | 6/13/2024 - 6/13/2024 1810 - Thurs | Gerald J. Couture, II |
Race Night BBQ | 6/13/2024 - 6/13/2024 1800 - Thurs | Christine Kemp |
Clean up crew A/B/C/D Fleet
Double-Handed Race | 6/15/2024 - 6/15/2024 1030 - Sat | Julie Trottier |
Competitor's Meeting: 0900
Warning Signal: 1030
Event: A double-handed race for all keel boats normally crewed by two or more people.
Eligibility: Open to all member and non-member boats with a Lake Champlain PHRF handicap.
Registration: At the Signal Boat.
Venue: Inner Malletts Bay.
Course: Windward/Leeward.
Awards: The "Chris Davis Memorial Trophy" is awarded to the top boat in the PHRF Spinnaker Class at the MBBC Annual Banquet.
Sailing Instructions
LCYC Odziozo | 6/15/2024 - 6/15/2024 1030 - Sat | Samuel Pratt |
Primary Race Officer:
John Harris
The Oziozo Race is one of the optional races for the LCCS Champlain Series.
For the LCCS Notice of Series, see http://lcchampionshipseries.org.
Area A Sears Cup | 6/15/2024 - 6/16/2024 - Wed | Katrina Ouellette |
US Sailing Triple handed Championship, Area A, BYC
Bristol RI
Junior Sailing Summer Program | 6/17/2024 - 8/9/2024 0900 - Mon-Fri | Rich Miller |
Junior Sailing Summer Program Sailing classes teach boat handling skills and seamanship following the US SAILING Small Boat Sailing curriculum. Class offerings are designed to teach sailors with entry level skills up to experienced sailors participating in our racing program.
Womens Sailing | 6/17/2024 - 6/17/2024 1800 - Mon | Janice Lange |
Weekly women's sailing. No sailing experience (or boat) is necessary. We will match you up with experienced women sailors. Bring a snack and beverage to share (optional).
Laser Series 6 | 6/18/2024 - 6/18/2024 1800 - Tues | David Jillson |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Meadows - Private Event | 6/18/2024 - 6/18/2024 - | Megan Meadows |
noon for setup and will run into evening
Midweek 4 | 6/20/2024 - 6/20/2024 1810 - Thurs | Al Russell |
Thistle Atlantic Coast Championship | 6/21/2024 - 6/23/2024 0900 - Fri-Sun | David Hansen |
Expect 30 to 40 boats.
LCYC Lady Skipper | 6/22/2024 - 6/22/2024 0900 - Sat | Samuel Pratt |
Race Committee: Bob Finn / John Harris (RC)
For the LCYC Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions, Courses, and on-line Race Registration see http://lcyc.info/racing. To be scored you must register and have a current PHRF rating.
Women's Sailing | 6/24/2024 - 6/24/2024 1800 - Mon. | Susan Sullivan |
Topic is heavy weather sailing. When to reef and when to push, pop and pinch. Weekly women's sailing. No sailing experience (or boat) is necessary. We will match you up with experienced women sailors. Bring a snack and beverage to share (optional).
Laser Series 7 | 6/25/2024 - 6/25/2024 1800 - Tues | Michael Hoffman |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek 5 BBQ - Awards JAM Clean-up | 6/27/2024 - 6/27/2024 1810 - Thurs | Chuck Padula |
Race Night BBQ | 6/27/2024 - 6/27/2024 1800 - Thurs | Kimberly Pratt |
Clean up crew: JAM Fleet
Full Moon Evening Sail # 1 | 7/1/2024 - 7/1/2024 19:00 - Mon. | Shelley Mathias |
A rare opportunity to come out on a Monday night to watch the sunset, the moon rise, and if the winds are cooperative, go out to the outer bay to catch some of Burlington's fireworks.
Join us!
Laser Series 8 | 7/2/2024 - 7/2/2024 1800 - Tues | Ken Grillo |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
July 4th BBQ | 7/4/2024 - 7/4/2024 1630 - 1900 - Thurs | Kimberly Pratt |
Still in the planning stage
FJ Horse Regatta (Jr Regatta) | 7/4/2024 - 7/5/2024 1000 - Thurs-Friday | Katrina Ouellette |
Jr. Sailing Regatta in Saratoga NY.
Fourth of July Games | 7/4/2024 - 7/4/2024 15:00 - Tuesday | Shelley Mathias |
Hosts: Shelley Mathias
Fouth of July celebration is even better with some old traditional games that all the family can enjoy. We'll start at 3:00, and people can join while they wait for their time to get their dinner. 3 legged races, wheelbarrow races, egg on a spoon, and more. We'll have croquette, Kubbs, and bocce as well. Come out and relaxing together
Please RSVP at the link on the home page. https://mbbc-vt.org/Social/2022/GameNightPizza.asp
Ethan Allen Pursuit Race | 7/4/2024 - 7/4/2024 1200 - Thursday | Julie Trottier |
Warning Signal: 1200
Event: A Jib and Main only pursuit race. Individual start times based on each boats PHRF time-on-distance handicap assigned at the end of registration (the slowest boat starts first).
Eligibility: Open to all member and non-member boats with a Lake Champlain PHRF handicap.
Registration: At the MBBC Club house between 1000 & 1100. To pre-register email ethanallen@mbbc-vt.org with ?Ethan Allen Regatta? in the subject, include the helm and PHRF information if available.
Venue: Inner Malletts Bay.
Course: Random leg distance race (see Sailing Instructions).
Sailing Instructions
Mayor's Cup - Plattsburgh | 7/6/2024 - 7/6/2024 - Sat | David Klebanoff |
The Mayor'a Cup Regatta is VSC's designated race in the Cannon/Goose Series of the Lake Champlain Championship Series.
Known as THE sailing tradition of Lake Champlain, the Mayor's Cup Regatta returns as the signature event of the popular 4-day summer festival in Plattsburgh, NY. Attracting sailboats from throughout the northeast and Quebec, racers face ano guts, no glory competition known, since 1978, for its spirited fun and, sometimes, high-seas adventure. When skippers who compete around the world claim Lake Champlain as sailing at its best, we know our waterfront treasure is no fool's gold!
The Rotary Cup goes to the over all winner of the Cruising Division, with the Mayor's Cup going to the over all winner of the Racing Division. There will be prizes and trophies for all divisions.
For more information contact: Kjell Dahlen at 518-566-2020 or regatta@mayorscup.com
See also the Mayor's Cup website: http://mayorscup.com/
Safety First! Orienting crew to safety protocols | 7/6/2024 - 7/6/2024 10:00 - Sat | Shelley Mathias |
No matter how experienced you are, emergencies happen. Having crew familiar with protocols can prevent injuries or worse. Whether cruising or racing, it's up to the Skipper to make sure that their crew knows what to do in an emergency. What's your protocol? How do you review it with each individual new to your boat?
Come and fine tune or develop the safety protocol for your boat. We'll walk through each possible area together with a check list for procedures.
It doesn't take long to orient crew, and it makes them feel safer and more ready to enjoy the ride.
RSVP so we have enough
Women's Sailing | 7/8/2024 - 7/8/2024 1800 - Mon. | Kathy Manning |
Weekly women's sailing. No sailing experience (or boat) is necessary. We will match you up with experienced women sailors. Bring a snack and beverage to share (optional).
July 2023 Afterguard Meeting | 7/8/2024 - 7/8/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. This meeting will be held at the Clubhouse.
Laser Series 9 | 7/9/2024 - 7/9/2024 1800 - Tues | Al Russell |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Champ Chase (Jr Regatta) | 7/10/2024 - 7/11/2024 0900 - Wed-Thurs | Katrina Ouellette |
Midweek 7 BBQ J24 Clean-up | 7/11/2024 - 7/11/2024 1810 - Thurs | Marcy Milton Finch |
Race Night BBQ | 7/11/2024 - 7/11/2024 1800 - Thurs | Charlie Timmons |
Lake Champlain Race **New Course** | 7/12/2024 - 7/13/2024 2000 - Fri-Sat | Mark Gardner |
Warning Signal: 2000
Event: An overnight race that exposes the racer to the northern sections of Lake Champlain. Part of the Lake Champlain Championship Series.
Eligibility: Open to all member and non-member monohull keel boats with a Lake Champlain PHRF handicap.
Class A: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 92 and lower
Class B: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 93 - 126
Class C: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 127 and higher
Class JAM A: Non-spinnaker PHRF Handicap 158 and lower
Class JAM B: Non-spinnaker PHRF Handicap 159 and higher
Registration: At the Signal Boat.
Venue: Start and Finish near Carlton Prize.
Course: Distance race.
Awards: The Lake Champlain Trophy will be awarded at the MBBC Annual Banquet.
Sailing Instructions New Course PRO Phone: 802-318-6479
Ladies Lawn Party | 7/15/2024 - 7/15/2024 1800 - Mon. | Marilynne Johnson |
Join the women of MBBC at the event of the season!
Don your best summer dress, hat and gloves for an evening of croquet, tea sandwiches, chocolates, and other sweet treats.
Food and drink will be served by the men of MBBC, followed by a sunset sail. This annual event is a favorite, not to be missed.
Laser Series 10 | 7/16/2024 - 7/16/2024 1800 - Tues | Mark Gardner |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek 8 | 7/18/2024 - 7/18/2024 1810 - Thurs | Tom Tucker |
Cheeseburger Regatta (Jr Regatta) | 7/18/2024 - 7/19/2024 0900 - Thurs-Fri | Katrina Ouellette |
Jr. Regatta hosted by Lake George Club
Women's Sailing Weekend Cruise | 7/19/2024 - 7/21/2024 - Fri, Sat, Sun | Kristen Johanson |
Weather permitting, we'll sail (Location to be confirmed) and moor or anchor overnight. All are invited (with or without a boat). We'll match you up with a woman sailor. We gather Friday night at the Club, overnight on the moorings or, if possible, make an early start to Location TBD. Let Kristen Johanson know you are interested and we'll provide additional information.
Martin 16 Regatta Canceled | 7/20/2024 - 7/20/2024 - Sat | Mark Gardner |
Launched in 2003, this accessible sailing event has become Lake Champlain's premier race for sailors with disabilities. It continues to grow, drawing competitors from throughout the northeastern US and eastern Canada.
Shortened to a 1 day regatta. Sunday would become the rain day.
LCYC Mid-Lake Race | 7/20/2024 - 7/20/2024 1030 - Sat | Samuel Pratt |
Lake Champlain Championship Series
Women's Sailing | 7/22/2024 - 7/22/2024 1800 - Mon. | Lea Ann Smith |
Weekly women's sailing. No sailing experience (or boat) is necessary. We will match you up with experienced women sailors. Bring a snack and beverage to share (optional).
Rig it UP Sunapee (Jr. Sailing) | 7/22/2024 - 7/23/2024 0900 - Tues, Wed | Katrina Ouellette |
Jr. Sailing Regatta on LSYC, Lake Sunapee, NH
Optis and 420s
Laser Series 11 | 7/23/2024 - 7/23/2024 1800 - Tues | Julie Trottier |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact
Midweek 9 BBQ - Awards All Fleet Clean-up | 7/25/2024 - 7/25/2024 1810 - Thurs | David Jillson |
Race Night BBQ | 7/25/2024 - 7/25/2024 1800 - Thurs | Wanda Sachs |
Clean up crew: A/B/C/D Fleets
Ed Ziemer Memorial | 7/26/2024 - 7/26/2024 14:00-21:00 - Fri | Lynne Meeks |
afternoon setup and evening event
Finch Cup Pursuit Race | 7/28/2024 - 7/28/2024 1200 - Sun | Jeff Allen |
Warning Signal: 1200
Event: A Jib and Main only pursuit race. Individual start times based on each boats PHRF time-on-distance handicap assigned at the end of registration (the slowest boat starts first).
Eligibility: Open to all member and non-member boats with a Lake Champlain PHRF handicap. Each boat must be helmed by a woman or Jr. Sailor.
Registration: At the MBBC Club house between 1000 & 1100. To pre-register email finchcup@mbbc-vt.org with ?Finch Cup? in the subject, include the helm and PHRF information if available.
Venue: Inner Malletts Bay.
Course: Random leg distance race (see Sailing Instructions).
Sailing Instructions
Women's Sailing | 7/29/2024 - 7/29/2024 1800 - Mon. | Susan Sullivan |
Weekly women's sailing. No sailing experience (or boat) is necessary. We will match you up with experienced women sailors. Bring a snack and beverage to share (optional).
Laser Series 12 | 7/30/2024 - 7/30/2024 1800 - Tues | Chuck Padula |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Full Moon Evening Sail # 2 | 7/30/2024 - 7/30/2024 19:00 - Tues | Shelley Mathias |
Go out on a few boats to watch the sunset and then the moonrise. (8:18 pm / Moonrise: 8:52M). It's a beautiful way to spend and evening. Sail the whole time or just for the sunset and then watch the moonrise peacefully from the mooring field while enjoying some beverages.
Midweek 10 | 8/1/2024 - 8/1/2024 1810 - Thurs | Mike Quaid |
Progressive Dinner | 8/2/2024 - 8/2/2024 1730 - Fri. | Karen Petit |
Hosts: Karen and Lew Petit and Kathy Manning
(Rain Date is Sat. Aug. 5)
Join us for another cruising event that is a season favorite! We'll be making our way around the mooring field experiencing various dinner courses on members' boats. We'll meet on the back lawn at 5:00 pm to get our list of boats to be visited and make our way to the dinghies. Sign up to participate and/or host a course on your boat; contact Karen and Lew
LCYC Ladies Cup Race | 8/3/2024 - 8/3/2024 - Sat | Mike Quaid |
Shelburne, VT - LCYC
The Ladies Cup Race is one of the required races for the Lake Champlain Championship Series Cannon/Goose Series and one of the optional races for the LCCS Champlain Series.
For the LCYC Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions, Courses, and on-line Registration see http://lcyc.info/racing. To be scored you must register with LCYC and have a current PHRF rating.
Chiott Cup Regatta | 8/4/2024 - 8/4/2024 900 - Sun | Ken Grillo |
MBBC's major one-design regatta. It is open to club and non-club sailors.
This year it is a 1 day J24 - Laser Regatta
--Sunday 900 - 930 | MBBC
Schedule of Races:
--930 Competitors Meeting
?1000 First Warning, races to follow
--Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing, and Sailing Instructions
Primary race area :
--Primary race area will be The Inner Malletts Bay, and the secondary area will be the Outer Bay.
---Low Point, one throw after five races
---J24's - The Perpetual Chiott Trophy
---Lasers All Rigs - Top three places
Sailing Instructions
Women's Sailing | 8/5/2024 - 8/5/2024 1800 - Mon. | Kristen Johanson |
Weekly women's sailing. No sailing experience (or boat) is necessary. We will match you up with experienced women sailors. Bring a snack and beverage to share (optional.
Laser Series 13 | 8/6/2024 - 8/6/2024 1800 - Tues | Mimi Ryan |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek 11 | 8/8/2024 - 8/8/2024 1810 - Thurs | Bretton Gardner |
Junior Sailing Ends | 8/9/2024 - 8/9/2024 0900 - Fri | |
Last day of Junior Sailing
Diamond Island Regatta | 8/10/2024 - 8/10/2024 0900 - Sat | Samuel Pratt |
Hosted by the Diamond Island Yacht Club Charlotte VT. Part of the Lake wide Cannon Series
The Diamond Island Regatta, DIYC?s major sailing event of each season, is scheduled for August 12. The day begins under the DIYC tent with a breakfast (8 a.m.) and a skippers? meeting (9 a.m.). The starting sequence for the race begins at 11 a.m. on Town Farm Bay. Back under the tent, a post-race party and awards ceremony begins at 4:30 p.m., and the annual Lobster Fest dinner gets under way at 5:30 p.m.
Split Rock Regatta | 8/11/2024 - 8/11/2024 - Sun | Samuel Pratt |
The Split Rock Race, added to the schedule in 2021, takes place on August 13, the day following the Diamond Island Regatta. Both of these sailboat races are part of the Lake Champlain Championship Series.
Women's Sailing | 8/12/2024 - 8/12/2024 1800 - Mon. | Marcy Milton Finch |
Weekly women's sailing. No sailing experience (or boat) is necessary. We will match you up with experienced women sailors. Bring a snack and beverage to share (optional.
August 2023 Afterguard Meeting | 8/12/2024 - 8/12/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. This meeting will be held at the Clubhouse.
Laser Series 14 | 8/13/2024 - 8/13/2024 1800 - Tues | Julie Trottier |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Halstead Private Event | 8/14/2024 - 8/14/2024 16:00-20:00 - Wed | Geoff Halsted |
25 People
Midweek 12 BBQ JAM Clean-up | 8/15/2024 - 8/15/2024 1810 - Thurs | Samuel Pratt |
Race Night BBQ | 8/15/2024 - 8/15/2024 1800 - Thurs | Kimberly Pratt |
Clean up crew: JAM Fleet
Cruise # 2 - | 8/16/2024 - 8/18/2024 16:00 - Sat, Sun. | Meg Charlebois |
Meg and Steve Charlebois will be hosting this cruise. They'll be posting more closer to the weekend. Put it on your calendar and join this experienced cruising couple.
Afterguard Brunch | 8/17/2024 - 8/17/2024 0800 - Sat | Kimberly Pratt |
Join the Afterguard in our annual celebration of the membership of Malletts Bay Boat Club for a delicious brunch prepared and served by Afterguard and it's free! Click Here to Signup
Women's Sailing | 8/19/2024 - 8/19/2024 18:00 - Mon. | Shelley Mathias |
Weekly women's sailing. No sailing experience (or boat) is necessary. We will match you up with experienced women sailors. Bring a snack and beverage to share (optional).
Laser Series 15 | 8/20/2024 - 8/20/2024 1800 - Tues | Bill Rogers |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact
Midweek 13 | 8/22/2024 - 8/22/2024 1810 - Thurs | Patrick Zachary |
LCYC Schuyler Island Race | 8/24/2024 - 8/24/2024 - Sat | Samuel Pratt |
LCYC lake race.
Women's Sailing | 8/26/2024 - 8/26/2024 1800 - Mon. | Karen Petit |
Last week of Womens Sailing. Even if you haven't been able to make it all summer, don't miss our farewell to long summer evenings this week.
Laser Series 16 | 8/27/2024 - 8/27/2024 1800 - Tues | John ORourke |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact
Full Moon Evening Sail # 3 | 8/28/2024 - 8/28/2024 1800 - Wed | Shelley Mathias |
Hosts: TBD
It's the last full moon cruise of the season. We will be starting earlier as sunset and moonrise will be earlier. What a peaceful way to end August! The sun will set at 7:33 with the full moon rising at 8:11.
Midweek 14 BBQ Awards J24 Cleanup | 8/29/2024 - 8/29/2024 1800 - Thurs | John Reynolds |
Race Night BBQ | 8/29/2024 - 8/29/2024 1800 - Thurs | Christine Kemp |
Clean up crew: J24 Fleet
Goodbye Summer Regatta | 9/1/2024 - 9/1/2024 1030 - Sun | Alan Ouellette |
Wave goodbye to summer with a day of racing on the water.
Warning Signal: 1030
Event: Wave goodbye to summer with a day of racing on the water followed by an informal BBQ at the Club.
Eligibility: Open to all member and non-member boats with a Lake Champlain PHRF handicap.
Registration: At the Signal Boat.
Venue: Inner Malletts Bay.
Course: Windward/Leeward. Multiple races are planned.
Sailing Instructions
Laser Series 17 | 9/3/2024 - 9/3/2024 1800 - Tues | Mark Gardner |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek Fall 1 | 9/5/2024 - 9/5/2024 1800 - Thurs | John ORourke |
Cruising Erie Canal to Lake Ontario | 9/6/2024 - 9/6/2024 18:00 - Fri | Steven Charlebois |
Steve and Meg Charlebois traveled to Lake Ontario via the Champlain and Erie Canals, leaving last summer and returning this July. Come for pizza and listen as they share their experience going through the Canals and sailing on Lake Ontario! Learn about the delights and trials of the journey and some hints on passage through the locks!
There will be a sign-up to plan for pizza. Join us!
LCYC Macdonough Race | 9/7/2024 - 9/8/2024 - Sat-Sun | Samuel Pratt |
Long distance race starting at Shelburne, VT - LCYC.
NE Lightning WJM Districts | 9/7/2024 - 9/7/2024 0900 - Sat-Sun | Mark Gardner |
One Day regatta at Bow Lake, NH. Everyone is welcome.
Crane - Private Event | 9/7/2024 - 9/7/2024 12:00 - | Steve Crane |
Womens Fall Sailing and Firepit Chat | 9/9/2024 - 9/9/2024 1700 - Mon | Kristen Johanson |
Mondays 5:00 We are continuing Womens Sailing into September to capture the last breezes of the season.Since the launch is no longer running on weekdays, we will dinghy or bring our boats around to the dock. Firepit Chat on the beach to follow. Bring food and beverage for yourself or to share as we catch these last weeks on the bay.
September 2023 Afterguard Meeting | 9/9/2024 - 9/9/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. This meeting will be held at the Clubhouse.
Laser Series 18 | 9/10/2024 - 9/10/2024 1800 - Tues | David Jillson |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek Fall 2 | 9/12/2024 - 9/12/2024 1800 - Thurs | William Fastiggi |
Casual Fall Racing
Anderson/Stafford Private Event | 9/15/2024 - 9/15/2024 14:00-21:2100 - Sun | Mark Anderson |
Mark Anderson/Barb Stafford
For an event will be for 40 - 50 people.
2 pm set up
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm function
7:30 - 9:00 Clean up
Womens Fall Sailing and Firepit Chat | 9/16/2024 - 9/16/2024 1700 - Mon | Kristen Johanson |
All women of MBBC are welcome. Come to sail at 5 as weather permits. Since the launch is no longer running on weekdays, we will dinghy or bring our boats around to the dock. Firepit Chats on the beach to follow. Bring food for yourself or to share. If you have it at home, please bring some kindling or wood.
Laser Series 19 | 9/17/2024 - 9/17/2024 17:30 - Tues | David Klebanoff |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek Fall 3 | 9/19/2024 - 9/19/2024 1800 - Thurs | Steven Callison |
Casual Fall Racing
Womens Fall Sailing and Firepit Chat | 9/23/2024 - 9/23/2024 1700 - Mon | Kristen Johanson |
All women of MBBC are welcome. Come to sail at 5 as weather permits. Since the launch is no longer running on weekdays, we will dinghy or bring our boats around to the dock. Firepit Chats on the beach to follow. Bring food for yourself or to share. If you have it at home, please bring some kindling or wood. We will meet rain or shine at 5:00. If we must, we'll go inside.
Laser Series 20 | 9/24/2024 - 9/24/2024 5:30 - Tues | Patrick Zachary |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek Fall 4 | 9/26/2024 - 9/26/2024 1800 - Thurs | Allen Baker |
Casual Fall Racing
Final Race Night Lasagna Dinner | 9/26/2024 - 9/26/2024 1800 - Thurs | Kimberly Pratt |
Clean up crew: A/B/C/D Fleets
Laser Series 21 | 10/1/2024 - 10/1/2024 5:30 - Tues | Gerald Couture |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek Late Fall Series 1 | 10/3/2024 - 10/3/2024 1730 - Thurs | David Klebanoff |
First Warning Signal: 1730
Event: A fall evening series for PHRF and One-Design boats. Featuring 7 classes, 2 starts and 1 course.
Class A: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 99 and lower
Class B: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 100 - 144
Class C: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 145 - 179
Class D: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 180 and higher
Class JAM: Non-spinnaker PHRF Handicap
Class J: J24 One-Design Class
Class L: Centerboard boats Portsmouth Handicap
Eligibility: Open to all member and non-member boats.
Registration: At the Signal Boat.
Venue: Inner Malletts Bay. Races will start approximately ? mile East of MBBC.
Courses: Course 2WL (Windward/Leeward sailed twice) May be a windward or leeward start.
Sailing Instructions
Annual Meeting | 10/4/2024 - 10/4/2024 1900 - Fri | Jon Brooks |
An important meeting for all members... Please show your support by coming to ask any questions you may have about the annual reports which can be found on our website, and vote in the all-important election of the new Afterguard for 2024. Afterguard committee chairs will not be making presentations, so we expect the meeting to be briefer than in past years. Please bring a dessert to share, coffee and tea will be provided.
Benedict Arnold Race | 10/5/2024 - 10/5/2024 1100 - Sat | Allen Baker |
General Description:
This race commemorates the Revolutionary War naval Battle of Valcour which occurred on Friday, October 11, 1776, between an American fleet commanded by Benedict Arnold and a British fleet under the authority of Sir Guy Carleton, though he was not the operational commander.
The weather that day was clear with a northerly wind. Snow could be seen on the mountains. The American fleet was anchored across the Valcour Channel from near Bluff Point to the New York shore. There were 500 non-sailors in this fleet. The British fleet, 700 sailors, had passed the eastern shore of Valcour Island the previous day, sailing south. In order to attack the American fleet, the British fleet had proceeded to windward up the Valcour Channel by tacking and rowing.
The first British ship was sighted by the Americans at 8 AM. The battle commenced three hours later at 11 AM with the main forces joining battle at 12:30 PM. The battle ended at 5 PM. During the battle Arnold's flag ship was sunk.
Event: This race commemorates the Revolutionary War Naval Battle of Valcour.
Eligibility: Open to all member and non-member boats with a Lake Champlain PHRF handicap.
Registration: At the Signal Boat.
Venue: Lake Champlain west of outer Malletts Bay. Start and Finish near Carlton Prize.
Course: Random leg distance race (see Sailing Instructions).
Awards: The Benedict Arnold Trophy will be awarded at the MBBC Annual Banquet.
Sailing Instructions
October 2023 Afterguard Meeting | 10/7/2024 - 10/7/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. This meeting will be held at the Club.
Laser Series 22 | 10/8/2024 - 10/8/2024 5:30 - Tues | Bill Rogers |
A casual and friendly but competitive competition on Tuesday evenings throughout the sailing season. Contact: Ken Grillo
Midweek Late Fall Series 2 | 10/10/2024 - 10/10/2024 1730 - Thurs | Samuel Pratt |
First Warning Signal: 1730
Event: A fall evening series for PHRF and One-Design boats. Featuring 7 classes, 2 starts and 1 course.
Class A: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 99 and lower
Class B: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 100 - 144
Class C: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 145 - 179
Class D: Spinnaker PHRF Handicap 180 and higher
Class JAM: Non-spinnaker PHRF Handicap
Class J: J24 One-Design Class
Class L: Centerboard boats Portsmouth Handicap
Eligibility: Open to all member and non-member boats.
Registration: At the Signal Boat.
Venue: Inner Malletts Bay. Races will start approximately ? mile East of MBBC.
Courses: Course 2WL (Windward/Leeward sailed twice) May be a windward or leeward start.
Sailing Instructions
Leaf Peeper Regatta | 10/12/2024 - 10/13/2024 0900 - Sat-Sun | Mark Gardner |
Chuck Padula is PRO
Last Lightning Regatta of the year in New England. Weather always plays a part in the fun!
J24 Late Fall Series 1 | 10/12/2024 - 10/12/2024 1100 - Sat | Charly Dickerson |
A late fall series for J24's after club closing. Short courses in the inner bay. Five races are scheduled each day, wind and weather permitting. Temperatures are often in the 40's.
Annual Club Banquet | 10/18/2024 - 10/18/2024 1800 to 2100 - Fri | Kimberly Pratt |
Catered Annual Banquet to be held at the Malletts Bay Boat Club.
Club Closing | 10/19/2024 - 10/19/2024 0900 - Sat | Jon Brooks |
As always, we need volunteers to help with club closing!
J24 Late Fall Series 2 | 10/20/2024 - 10/20/2024 1100 - Sun | Charly Dickerson |
A late fall series for J24's after club closing. Short courses in the inner bay. Five races are scheduled each day, wind and weather permitting. Temperatures are often in the 40's.
J24 Late Fall Series 3 | 10/26/2024 - 10/26/2024 1100 - Sat | Charly Dickerson |
A late fall series for J24's after club closing. Short courses in the inner bay. Five races are scheduled each day, wind and weather permitting. Temperatures are often in the 40's.
J24 Late Fall Series 4 | 11/2/2024 - 11/2/2024 1100 - Sat | Charly Dickerson |
A late fall series for J24's after club closing. Short courses in the inner bay. Five races are scheduled each day, wind and weather permitting. Temperatures are often in the 40's.
Buddy Melges....The Wizard of Zenda | 11/2/2024 - 11/2/2024 1900 - Sat | Ken Grillo |
You are cordially invited to a showing of the new documentary video about late, great Buddy Melges titled The Wizard of Zenda.
The 90 minute video will be shown at the Film House at the Main Street Landing Company at 60 Lake Street in Burlington on Saturday November 4, 2023. Doors open at 1900 and the show starts at 2000
Ticket prices are $15 for adults , and admission is free to people under 30 years old with a ticket.
Sponsored by Malletts Bay Sailing Education Foundation.
J24 Late Fall Series 5 | 11/9/2024 - 11/9/2024 1100 - Sat | David Klebanoff |
A late fall series for J24's after club closing. Short courses in the inner bay. Five races are scheduled each day, wind and weather permitting. Temperatures are often in the 40's.
Harbor Closes | 11/10/2024 - 11/10/2024 all day - Sun | Jon Brooks |
Harbor closes
November 2023 Afterguard Meeting | 11/11/2024 - 11/11/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. Meeting via Zoom.
Women of MBBC Holiday Party | 12/8/2024 - 12/8/2024 1700 - Sun | Kristen Johanson |
The annual holiday pot luck party is a time to reconnect during the off season. We will enjoy a pot luck and Yankee Swap, conversation and laughter.
This is a pot luck and BYOB affair. Please bring an appetizer, dish, or dessert to share. We'll do a Yankee Swap for those who would like to participate. Please bring a wrapped gift which is either something you already have around your home or with a value less than $20. Absurd items are always welcome. Please RSVP to TBD
December 2023 Afterguard Meeting | 12/9/2024 - 12/9/2024 1800 - Mon | Jon Brooks |
All members are welcome to join monthly Afterguard Meetings. Meeting via Zoom.