Welcome to the Home
of the
Lake Champlain PHRF Committee
Our Mission
As long as boats of different designs have raced
against one another, skippers have sought an equitable method of
handicapping. Various systems have been tried based on performance, hull
measurement, or a combination of both.
The Lake Champlain Performance Handicap Racing Fleet
(LCPHRF) is comprised of representatives from boat clubs and racing
authorities. These representatives make up the LCPHRF Committee.
LCPHRF has chosen to utilize the PHRF system for rating racing boats.
It is the intent of the LCPHRF Committee to provide and oversee a rating
system that reflects current boat conditions, is open to scrutiny by the
member organizations and allows each organization to understand how the
rating of each boat has been calculated.
Contact Information
2024 - LC-PHRF Committee
Dean, MBBC
Bob Turnau, LCYC,
Mark Gardner, MBBC,
Benedek Erdos,
Tristram Coffin, LCYC
Thomas Porter DIYC
Jim Moody LCYC