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Genteral Regatta InformationWelcome to the 2017 Atlantic Coast Championships. This will be the forth time that we have hosted this event and the Malletts Bay Boat Club and the Greater Burlington area are great places to visit, so you should plan on bringing your family along to the regatta. There are many things to do in the area: hiking, biking, shopping, museums, restaurants, and many great tourist places to visit. We will have great open course racing in the outer Malletts Bay, the same course where the 2009 Worlds were sailed (Expect a triangle if the wind picks up). The entry fee includes continental breakfasts at the club Saturday and Sunday mornings and dinner and a party Saturday night at the club. There will be live entertainment and dancing. (Don't worry, "live entertainment" is not just watching fleet 301 members juggling or repairing boats). There are lots of hotels and motels in the area as well as camping, bed and breakfasts. You should make your reservations early, July is a busy time in Vermont. We are offering free housing to all completely junior teams who register prior to July 10, 2017. All registration will be done on-line and there is a discount for registering before June 30st. Register early!!! Please check this page frequently for updated information.
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