LC-PHRF Spring Meeting Minutes
Walt Marti, Chairman; Adam Dantzscher, Vice Chairman; Rod Carr, Secretary
John O’Rourke, Mark Gardner, Brian Dowling, Chris Duley, Kjell Dahlen
Via telephone:
Alan Ouellette, Adam Dantzscher
5:35 PM: Meeting called to order
1. Declaration of numbers and names of reps from participating Clubs for 2011:
MBBC: Rod Carr, Mark Gardner, Alan Ouellette
RSYC: Adam Dantzscher
VSC: Kjell Dahlen, Chris Duley, Brian Dowling
LCYC: Walt Marti, John O’Rourke, Tony Lamb
2. Results of Voting for Officers for 2011:
Chairman: Walt Marti (unopposed)
Vice Chairman: Adam Dantzscher (unopposed)
An earlier call for support for Tony Lamb for Secretary had no support and Rod Carr was elected to another one year term as Secretary.
3. Brian Dowling stood in for J P Turgeon, Commodore of VSC to discuss inter club racing, the Omnium, JAM (jib & main) racing and the possibility of posting a combined schedule of all Clubs on our web site. Brian Dowling agreed to put together a combined schedule and Mark Gardner agreed to create a link on our site to that schedule.
4. Mark Gardner applied for a rating for his “Chapter Two”. Discussion followed. The boat was given a base rating of 198 adjusted to 207.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Rod Carr, Secretary LC-PHRF