By-Laws of The Lake Champlain Lightning Fleet 301 Article I
The name of this fleet shall be Lake Champlain Lighting Fleet 301
Article II
Section I: Any person desiring membership in Fleet 301 must
be active and participate in the functions of the fleet. Membership must be voted on by
the fleet.
Section II: Voting members of the fleet are any dues paying members.
Article III
Meeting of the Members
Section I: Annual meeting - for election of officers and
voting for recipient of Fleet Trophy shall be held the first Friday of October of each
Section II: Regular fleet meetings - will normally be held
once a month. During sailing season, meeting swill normally be held at the Malletts Bay
Boat Club.
Section III: Quorum - at any meeting al members in good standing (dues paying) shall be
entitled to a vote. One half of the voting members constitute a quorum and a majority of
the vote's cast shall be necessary for an election or to carry a motion.
Article IV
Section I: Officers - the officers of the fleet shall be
Fleet Captain, Sec./Tres.
Section II: Membership - Fleet Captain and Se./Treas. Shall
be fleet members.
Section III: Election -- the fleet captain and Sec./Treas.
shall be elected by the fleet members at the annual meeting. Each officer shall take
office the following January 1 and sever a term of one year.
Article V
Section I: the annual membership dues of the fleet shall be
$5.00. These dues shall not entitle a fleet member to MBBC privileges.
Section II: Membership dues for the ensuing year shall be
payable within thirty days after the annual meeting.
Article VI
Section I: Rules - all races will be sailed under the
Rules as modified by the ILCA and MBBC.
Section II: Members of MBBC are eligible for MBBC Trophies.
Fleet members are eligible for Fleet Trophies.
Article VII
Section I: Fleet champion -- The Bob Sidle Trophy will be
awarded each year to the skipper with the high point standing. The basis for scoring will
be decided by the fleet before the first race of the season.
Section II: Fleet 301 Trophy -- to be awarded each year to
the fleet member contributing most to the fleet. This will be voted at the annual meeting
and awarded at the MBBC yearly Awards Banquet.
Article VIII
Fleet Burgee

Article IX
Section I: These By-Lays shall be
amended only as follows:
A voting member must submit his proposed amendment in writing at a monthly meeting
to be acted on the following monthly meeting.
The proposed amendment must be mailed to each member at least on week prior to the
meeting at which sailed amendment shall be voted on.
If not less that 2/3 of the members voting at such meeting approve the proposed
amendment it shall be adopted and become part of the By-Laws.