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Fleet 301
Malletts Bay Boat Club
Lake Champlain
Colchester, Vermont

Maple Leaf Regatta

Lake Bomoseen, Vermont is only nine miles long, but it may very well be best location for a Lightning Regatta east of the Mississippi!

Toni and Ray Harrington (#14056) welcomed sailors from Vermont, New Hampshire, New York and Quebec for the 14th Annual Maple Leaf Classic Regatta June 12-13. Having never built a clubhouse fleet 227 relies on the generosity of the Edgewater Resort to host the regatta.

The Edgewater Resort offers water front rooms, a full service restaurant (a bottomless cup of breakfast coffee), a quality launching ramp, plenty of parking and the best damn "Bomoseen Chairs" on the lake (similar to Adorondack Chairs except better). Once you get the boat setup, there simply is no reason to ever leave the resort.

Toni and Ray organized a great feast Saturday night, featuring juicy stakes & chicken cooked on the barbecue, fresh salad, rolls and cake for desert… and of course the never ending frosty keg of beer.

Sitting on "Bomoseen chairs" in a lazy circle, the 14 crews simply visited with their neighbor, told outrageous stories, and swapped lies about their sailing skills. Good healthy competition from the likes of Tony Staples, Heather Rowe, Peter Hall, & Don Brush, all top flight sailors mixing it up with the wanna-bee's like the Gardner Family, Dave Gorman and Pat Zachary. The best part is you don't really even have to do well in the regatta to fell like a winner!

And yes we did race. The conditions were less than exhilarating with light and variable winds and the wildest 30 degree shifts you've ever seen. The breeze rolled down the lake from the south in 5-7 minute puffs. The lasted just enough to get a race started. One minute you'd be crossing the fleet and the next you would find yourself near the tail end. The front of the fleet would scoot ahead and the back would bunch up around the middle. But you know… no one really complained…

We understand Toni and Ray are already planning next year's race! We've already reserved our room including the best damned "Bomoseen chairs" around. This one's a keeper!

Boat R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total =============================================

Tony Staples, Valerie Lavigne, Scott Collins
      1  6  4  1  1  4  17
Peter Hall
      5  1  1  3  4  3  17
Ray Harrington, Toni Harrington, Bill Cohen
      2  2 10  8  7  2  31
Heather Rowe, Kim Rowe, Claudia Eisinger
     10  4  2  7  6  5  34
Mark Gardner, Lynn Gardner, Bretton Gardner
     11  7  5  2  5  7  37
Dave Gorman, Valerie Tardiff, Chantel Leger
      7  8 11  4  2  6  38
Don Brush, Tim Ambrose, Paul Gutwin
      3  9 15  5  3  8  43
Bill Berry, Dan Berry, Chris Berry
      4 11  9 11 10  1  46
Patrick Zachary, Kika Bronger, Suzanne Hebeler
     13  5  3 12  9  9  51
Ned Hinds, Karen Hinds, Jeff Baker
      8 13  6 10  8 15  60
Ethan Abatiell, Ed Partridge, Scott
      9 10 15  6 13 10  63
Dale Phillips, Julie Sheppard-Phillips, Charlie Freeman
     14 12  7  9 11 11  63
Ben Wallace, Karen Wallace, Tris Wallace
      6  3 15 15 15 15  69
Michael Aversa, Jillian Aversa, Stacey
     12 14  8 13 12 12  70

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