New England District Regatta
Al Boucher from Montreal finished 1st in 1997 Regatta at
Notice of Race
The England District Championship
will be hosted by Fleet 301 and the Malletts Bay
Boat Club (MBBC). on July 9-11. Thirty six boats attended last years race held at Lake
Massabesic, NH. and a similar turn out is expected.
Although the District Championship
traditionally attracts the top sailors in the area, Malletts Bay is a great place for
everyone to race, regardless of experience. Fresh water, no tides and limited boat traffic
make this an ideal racing venue.The Outer Malletts Bay is about 3 miles wide and 5 miles
long and the shore line is relatively low allowing for what many consider to be the
best sailing conditions in New England.
We have contracted with Jon Singsen to
serve as a coach during the regatta on Saturday. Jon Singsen was the ILCA class
coach for the coaching program in 1997. He will video tape the races on Saturday and
present a coaching session after dinner on Saturday.
MBBC facilities are equally as
attractive. A 2 ton hoist, an excellent launching ramp and adaquate dock space to moor 30+
boats make hosting the regatta a breeze. The club is casual and friendly with a great
swimming and lawn area for shore activities.
For those who choose to remain ashore
Vermont offers a variety of attractions and events
throughout the summer.
The Notice of Regatta will be available
here in early spring 1999. If you need more information contact:
Bill Fastiggi or Patrick Zachary |